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IFP Moves up to #43

International Forest Products Corporation (IFP Corp.) of Foxboro, Massachusetts was named # 43 out of the Top #100 Exporters for 2005 by The Journal of Commerce.

The Journal of Commerce is a leading weekly magazine for international logistics executives, founded in 1827, that covers all modes of international transportation, global trade, logistics strategy, technology, supply chain management, finance, insurance, legislative issues, regulatory developments and more.

International Forest Products (IFP Corp) has consistently increased their standings on the Top 100 Exporter list over the last 5 years. In 2001, they were named #100 on the list, moving up the list each year to their current standing of #43.

"Diversification of the products we handle including lumber, recycled papers, and pulp, have been a major factor in our exporting success," states Daniel Kraft, President of International Forest Products, "and we will continue to improve on this diversification into the future".