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AF&PA launches Think Paper campaign

The American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) has developed a campaign called Think Paper to directly respond to negative news coverage that is influencing policymaker and consumer perceptions about paper and paper products. Think Paper is now live and can be found online here and on Twitter

On the site, you will find the Think Paper Principles outlining the purpose of the campaign; a redline stemming from a recent Wall Street Journal article examining how the plastics industry is fighting back amid backlash against single-use plastics; an infographic titled, “What's In Your Cup? Five Ways Your Coffee Cup Is Already Sustainable”; and a recent “letter to the editor” that was submitted but not published. 

Additional letters to the editor, blog posts, fact sheets, infographics and other collateral will be featured on the website moving forward, and content will be supported and amplified by a digital advertising strategy.

For more information, please contact the following at AF&PA:

Terry Webber (202) 463-2732 or Lindsay Murphy (202) 463-2466