Transportation & Logistics

Moving mountains, not just goods.

Since transportation charges often factor in significantly to the most competitive delivered price of forest products, IFP has dedicated our transportation expertise to arranging cost-effective and reliable carriage for all shipments. From the outset, IFP’s transportation team works closely with our marketing representatives to develop competitive quotes for freight rates. The team’s responsibilities cover a lot of ground, from the evaluation of transit schedules and the accessibility of vessels to overseeing every order form from the time of placement to its prompt arrival at the client’s door. This includes determining the best manner of shipping each order, either by container or breakbulk, as well as the most suitable carrier. 

Empowered with the authority of an ambassador, IFP’s transportation specialists are complemented by our staff of experienced legal and financial professionals working in concert with banks, insurance companies and other institutions. Connected in the right places, these professionals are well-versed in the nuances of business diplomacy, resulting in efficient movement of goods. In fact, IFP is annually ranked among the USA’s top 10 exporters by The Journal of Commerce. This distinction allows our organization to bring tremendous scale to our freight procurement strategy and makes us a preferred partner among scores of transportation vendors. 

Close coordination with stevedores and vessel agents ensures proper handling, loading, stowing and documentation of items on board. As a result of our experience in the freight industry handling more than four million tons of product each year, IFP has acquired extensive knowledge of ocean chartering, contracts of affreightment, cargo supervision, service contract negotiations, marine insurance and documentation. In all the world, no company goes to greater lengths for its clients.

Contact us to learn more

Director, Transportation and Logistics
Director, Transportation and Logistics